TOY GUIDE - 0 to 1 year


As a mother, I understand the profound desire to provide our babies with the very best start in life. Watching our little ones grow and learn is both exhilarating and heartwarming, and it's a privilege to be a part of every milestone they reach. That's why I'm thrilled to share with you some helpful tips I've gained through my own journey as a parent, along with insights into the beautiful world of Montessori-inspired play.

From those tender first moments of bonding in the early months to the exciting discoveries and milestones that unfold throughout the first year, I've found immense joy in observing and supporting my babies' development. Montessori principles have been a guiding light for me, offering a holistic approach to nurturing my child's growth through purposeful play and exploration.

In this guide, I'll share with you my personal experiences and recommendations for selecting the perfect Montessori-inspired toys for your little one's journey. Together, let's embrace the magic of early childhood and create meaningful moments of discovery and connection that will last a lifetime.

0 - 3 MONTHS

During the first few months of your baby's life, their world is filled with wonder and discovery. Cherish these precious moments of bonding and exploration with your little ones. Simple, sensory-rich toys are perfect for engaging their developing senses.

For babies aged 0-3 months, consider introducing toys that stimulate their senses of sight, sound, and touch, such as:

  • Mobiles with gentle movements and soft sounds can aid in visual and auditory development.
  • Toys with different textures, such as fabric or wooden rattles, can help stimulate tactile senses.
  • High-contrast black and white toys are perfect for capturing their attention and encouraging visual tracking.
  • Simple rattles or bells provide gentle auditory stimulation.

3 - 6 MONTHS

As your baby grows and becomes more aware of their surroundings, they'll begin to show interest in reaching, grasping, and exploring objects with their hands and mouths. This is an exciting time of discovery and development. Providing age-appropriate toys that encourage movement and interaction, is key.

For babies aged 3-6 months, consider toys that are easy to grasp and manipulate, such as:

  • Wooden rings or balls.
  • Soft fabric toys, like fabric balls or graspable rattles with different textures and shapes provide opportunities for sensory exploration.
  • A play gym with dangling toys to encourage reaching and kicking.
  • Open-ended toys like fabric blocks or stacking cups encourage creativity and problem-solving skills.

6 - 9 MONTHS

By the time your baby reaches 6-9 months, they'll be eager to explore their environment and assert their newfound independence. Toys that support independent exploration and movement is essential, during this stage of development.

Consider introducing toys that encourage crawling, pulling up, and cruising, such as:

  • Push toys or soft play mats with interesting textures and features..
  • Simple shape sorters, nesting cups, stacking rings or blocks provide opportunities for cognitive development.
  • Simple puzzles with knobs or shapes to fit into corresponding holes can promote fine motor skills.
  • Toys with different sounds, like squeaks or crinkles, add to the sensory experience.

9 - 12 MONTHS 

As your baby approaches their first birthday, they'll become increasingly curious and adventurous, eager to explore the world around them in new and exciting ways. Toys that foster problem-solving skills and encourage imaginative play is essential during this stage of development.

Consider introducing toys that encourage problem-solving and fine motor skills, such as:

  • Puzzles with large, chunky pieces or toys that require twisting, turning, or fitting objects together.
  • Open-ended toys like wooden blocks or stackable rings provide opportunities for creative expression and imaginative play.
  • T oys that mimic real-world objects, such as toy phones or kitchen sets, encourage pretend play and social interaction.
  • Toys that support gross motor development, such as push toys or ride-on toys.
  • Toys that encourage imaginative play, such as dolls or soft animals.


As I conclude this journey through the world of Montessori-inspired baby toys, I'm reminded of the incredible bond we share with our little ones. From those precious early days of snuggles and coos to the joyful discoveries and milestones of their first year, every moment is a treasure to be cherished.

As mothers, we play a pivotal role in nurturing our baby's growth and development, and selecting the right toys can be a meaningful way to support their journey. Whether it's the gentle stimulation of a mobile in those early weeks or the engaging exploration of a sensory ball as they approach their first birthday, each toy serves as a tool for learning, discovery, and connection.

And amidst the joys and challenges of motherhood, it's important to remember that you're doing your best – and that is always enough. So take a moment to appreciate the love and effort you pour into your little one's world each day. You are their greatest teacher, their fiercest protector, and their unwavering source of love.

Remember to embrace the journey, savoring every smile, giggle, and milestone along the way. And know that you're not alone – we're here to support and uplift one another as we navigate the joys and challenges of motherhood together.

Wishing you and your baby endless moments of love, laughter, and discovery on this beautiful journey.


The Hagelens Family